onsdag den 31. august 2011


Monday morning I moved into my new place a bit sooner than expected (my landlord Rosa had forgotten to let me know that my place was available already when I came, but I didn't find out until late Friday). The place is a compound in the mixed Christian/Muslim area Newtown, which the previous Danish intern at IBIS had recommended. Other than me, there are only German-speeking girls from Austria, Germany and Switzerland living here, all of them working as interns in different positions for the German state's main aid-organisation. The compound has two large common areas, a nice kitchen, a washing machine and internet connection. Now, I'm home alone with a cup of Nescafé trying to organise myself and update this blog, while the girls have gone to the beach. I'm sitting in the outdoors common area wearing my football shorts, a t-shirt and my Ghanaian sandals (see picture), that are actally meant for Fridays, where Ghanaians dress up. In a minute I will go have a look at what's going on in my neighborhood where the Muslims are celebrating the end of fasting dancing, singing, eating, drinking, basically doing everything they feel like. In Ghana most of the population is Christian, but there are a lot of Muslims, though mainly in the North. Both Christian and Muslim holidays are days off, so today there's no work.

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